RAHAB operates out of a drop-in center located perfectly in inner-city Akron. The center provides a warm, safe place for weekly Bible studies, mentoring, family-style meals and a clothing closet. The ministry is supported by a working Board of Directors and extensive volunteer and donor networks.
RAHAB Ministries grew out of a heart to serve the most broken-hearted people in our community. In 2002, RAHAB founder and Akron native Becky Moreland was searching for a local ministry where she could serve Jesus but nothing seemed to fit. Christ had redeemed her life from the brink of disaster, so she longed to serve those in deepest need. When Becky heard a radio program featuring a ministry to prostituted women in Chicago, she knew she had heard her call. Becky was on the next bus to Chicago, where she shadowed that ministry leader. She returned to Akron and approached her church leadership about starting a local ministry to women on the streets. Within minutes after getting the blessing from her church, a women who had been prostituted stumbled into the church foyer and RAHAB began. Since that day, RAHAB has been a constant presence on the streets of Akron, Ohio, providing hope in Christ to broken women.